0330 133 5261 info@spring-enviro.co.uk

Meet the team

chris springett

Chris Springett


EPS Lead
Lifecycle Assessment and Carbon Footprint expert
Environmental Auditor
Certified Measurement & Verification Professional

chris palmer

Chris Palmer

Senior Consultant

Planning and Consenting expert
Planning policy and Representation
Planning site appraisal

kris atkins

Kris Atkins

Senior Consultant

EIA and Site Feasibility
Environmental Permitting lead
Regulatory engagement & compliance
EMS Developer
fraser mole

Fraser Mole


EMS Developer
Environmental Auditor
BREF note authority
Chemical Engineer with steel industry experience

More of what we do

Carbon footprint reporting


Sustainability strategy and reporting


Sustainable innovation


Energy and Resource Management


Supply chain sustainability


Management Systems


Get In Touch

9 + 12 =

Our customers

Gloucester Rugby
South Gloucestershire and Stroud college
Gloucester Brewery
1 Garden Road
GL53 8LJ
0330 133 5261

We are open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm.

Spring Environmental

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